Intranet Management 12 things to move to your intranet For employees to get the most out of the intranet, it should serve as a central repository for all corporate content. Here are 12 processes to move to your site that will keep it relevant, and increase adoption and engagement rates too. 6 minute read Table of contents You might also like… Whitepaper Intranet use cases Whitepaper Award-winning intranets Whether you have recently deployed a new intranet, or you’ve had one for a long time, you probably already know the cliche that content is king. While it’s obvious that there should be content on your intranet—and lots of it—what might not be so obvious is what content you should have on there. Again this sounds obvious, but your intranet is nothing without the discussions and documents that populate it. Also, keeping content in other applications just because it’s always been there, only leads to stale outdated information. To get the most out of your intranet software, and your digital workplace, it should serve as a central repository for all corporate content. Here are 12 things to move to your intranet: Ready to take your intranet to the next level? Our most popular guide features an inspiring collection of award winning intranets. Download now 1. Newsletters While most organizations have retired the paper newsletter, many still aren’t reaping the rewards of a digital one—mostly because many people are still relying on email as their primary source of distribution. Posting your employee newsletter on your intranet has many advantages over email. The ability to ‘like’ and comment gives you immediate insight into which stories or sections generate the most interest. Also, having your employee newsletter on your intranet provides an identifiable location where employees know to access the latest news, rather than searching through an email inbox. Furthermore, if you are looking to shorten publishing cycles, moving your newsletter to your intranet allows content owners to push out relevant content as it happens (no one wants to see company Christmas party photos in February). 2. Letters from the president Traditional corporate memos with boilerplate language do little to connect employees and create engagement. Your executive team is real people communicating with other people. Moving correspondence from leadership to your intranet helps bring this content to life. It allows leadership to incorporate humor, humility, and storytelling, which go a long way towards winning your employees’ attention and interest. 3. Branding standards If you oversee anything related to branding and design you probably relate to the frustration of having employees constantly ignore branding standards because they didn’t know any better. Or, maybe you experience the constant requests from employees asking where they can access this information. Regardless, having branding information easily accessible for all employees makes sense. Also, keeping it on your intranet ensures that the latest versions are always available for logos and other related design components. 4. Corporate memos Corporate memos inform employees about important announcements like corporate mergers, product recalls, and office closures. They are one of the most effective things to move to your intranet.These announcements might not always be the most interesting pieces of content, but they often require that employees read them. By hosting these announcements on your intranet you can monitor engagement and decipher which employees or departments have read particular pieces of content. 5. Collateral updates Similarly to branding standards, it’s valuable to have collateral easily accessible to all employees. This is especially useful during trade shows or other events where employees might need immediate access to specific documentation. Having up-to-date collateral is also critical to your sales reps who likely receive spur of the moment requests for things like data sheets, product brochures, or installation procedures. 6. Community events & activities One of the best things to move to your intranet are community events and activities. Why? Because employees love to interact and engage on a social level. Event-related announcements typically have a higher opening rate than corporate announcements. Your employees are at the center of your organization, and will appreciate content related to them. 7. Group discussions As the hub of your digital workplace, your intranet should serve as the center for all work-related discussions. Groups provide a structure for discussions and activities and can be created to support events, teams, projects, or campaigns. When companies simplify access to information and collaboration, employee engagement and digital employee experience soars. 8. Employee ideas A great strength of intranet software is its ability to uncover valuable insight and ideas from employees. In fact, some of the most amazing ideas and solutions are sitting in the minds of your employees. Consider adding dedicated areas on your intranet to crowdsource ideas to help solve your organization’s biggest challenges. 9. Cross-department collaboration As workplaces become more dispersed and globalized (learn about the hybrid workplace), and the trend for remote workers increases, it’s becoming more important to create collaboration opportunities. By centralizing team and group collaboration on your intranet, employees can stay connected to meaningful discussions and reap the benefits. 10. New initiative & product announcements How are you communicating important product news and corporate information? The worst feeling (for both an employee and a communicator!) is hearing someone say “I didn’t know”, or “No one told me about this.” By posting this information to your intranet you can ensure employees are kept in the loop over the latest product updates and announcements. 11. Channel updates Success isn’t just about the success of your team, but also the success of teams that surround you. When various channels and departments see the result of the work in one department it helps them relate it to their own. For example, your marketing team might share a cool campaign that might inspire your customer success team. Or maybe product development shares a new feature that motivates sales to reach out to prospects. 12. Systems announcements How would you communicate an important system announcement to your employees? What if your email servers went down? While you might not be anticipating an emergency, do you know how you would reach every single employee if a disaster-impacted your communication systems? By using their intranet to relay system announcements, BOK Financial kept employees updated throughout two different storms that impacted their facilities and technology. Your intranet should be the place employees turn to for up-to-date, accurate, and relevant information. These 12 things to move to your intranet will give your staff additional reasons to visit, thereby increasing adoption and engagement long into the future. These are only a dozen of the many different processes that can be moved to your intranet. We encourage you to integrate as much as possible to make your site the heart of your organization.