Simple pricing, exceptional value
50 to 99 users
100 to 199 users
200 to 499 users
500 to 999 users
No confusing pricing plans and options. Every customer gets the full ThoughtFarmer experience with all 240+ features.
From the moment you choose ThoughtFarmer, we take care of you every step of the way.
Get all the tech and launch support you need, completely free—something others often charge extra for.
You get full access to all 240+ features, built-in integrations, user authentication, a native mobile app, automatic software releases, and a custom URL. We assist with branding and integration, ongoing training, and provide 24/7 support, including a dedicated Customer Success Manager and access to our online support community.
Absolutely. Our dedicated Customer Success team is here to help plan, set up, and optimize your intranet. Our expert consultants will guide you to launch success and beyond.
We provide a 14-day free trial including a customized demo to maximize your trial experience. Book a call to get access to your free trial.
Choosing ThoughtFarmer is easy with zero financial commitment. Get full access with no upfront fees. Cancel anytime within 90 days—if you change your mind. Book a call to learn more.
With ThoughtFarmer, you can extend functionality via our API and custom cards. You can customize it yourself or let our Professional Services team do it.
Yes, we work with many non-profits and offer special pricing plans. Please reach out to our sales team for more details.