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Social Intranets and Employee Engagement

Staff morale is closely linked with company productivity and performance, yet HR and Corporate Communications managers often have limited tools to impact morale. This free white paper uses extensive data and research, expert insight, and real-world examples to explain how a social intranet can improve employee engagement.

Lasting engagement, not gimmicks

A social intranet’s fundamental value is that it gives every employee a face and a voice. This shift in internal communications results in a show of respect and trust that can foster meaningful and lasting improvements in employee satisfaction. Summer picnics and annual recognition programs on their own don’t cut it, and will never offer the authentic and persistent value of a social intranet.

To ensure all your intranet goals are met, you will need a dedicated strategy for success that continues long after launch day. Because no matter how incredible and robust your intranet is, without a comprehensive plan, your intranet will fail.

In this whitepaper we share 10 steps essential to intranet success.

Social Intranets And Employee Engagement Hero

Included in this whitepaper

In this white paper you’ll find research, insights, best-practices and real-world examples that will help you plan, build, and launch a successful intranet.
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