A social intranet’s fundamental value is that it gives every employee a face and a voice. This shift in internal communications results in a show of respect and trust that can foster meaningful and lasting improvements in employee satisfaction. Summer picnics and annual recognition programs on their own don’t cut it, and will never offer the authentic and persistent value of a social intranet.
To ensure all your intranet goals are met, you will need a dedicated strategy for success that continues long after launch day. Because no matter how incredible and robust your intranet is, without a comprehensive plan, your intranet will fail.
In this whitepaper we share 10 steps essential to intranet success.
Extensive references to research from Gallup, Aon Hewitt and other renowned organizations.
Interviews with experts from the fields of employee engagement and HR, internal communications and social intranet design.
Stories from companies experienced with social intranets.
Examples from several companies’ live social intranets.
A meaty list of best practices for implementing a social intranet aimed at improving employee engagement.
“I have used other platforms before, but ThoughtFarmer’s is not ony the easiest one to use, but also the most professional and functional.”
“Refreshing vendor experience with ThoughtFarmer that catapulted our Intranet to the next level.”
“We have field staff that are not in the office, but they can access the Hub anytime on their mobile phones and tablets with the app. ”
“The FormFlow feature allows us to create surveys and forms that have a workflow built in with notifications so these requests / responses do not get missed.”