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Communication and Collaboration

Intranet Tip: Encourage Questions and Comments on Company Policies

When Assiniboine Credit Union replaced their old, out-dated intranet with ThoughtFarmer, they decided to take a more collaborative approach. “On the old system, no one was empowered to make corrections.

4 minute read
merger communications


Many executives shudder in fear at the idea of opening up commenting, especially on HR and other policies hosted on the intranet. When Assiniboine Credit Union replaced their old, out-dated intranet with ThoughtFarmer, they decided to take a more collaborative approach. “On the old system, no one was empowered to make corrections. Now, anyone can leave a comment on any page, so there’s a lot more ownership and commitment to content,” said Intranet Manager, Lawrence Peters.

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In the example below, you can see the content owner updating page content within minutes of the initial request. The result? An always-up-to-date and truly collaborative intranet.
