Intranet Management 7 ways your intranet can ensure secure internal communication While early collaboration solutions had benefits, they also created risks. Fortunately these risks paved the way for stronger intranets that are more secure and that help employees do their jobs better. 4 minute read Table of contents You might also like… Whitepaper Intranet use cases Whitepaper Award-winning intranets When intranets first arrived in the workplace, a lot of employers were understandably nervous. “What if employees share private information?” “What if this opens us up to malware attacks?” Or, worst of all — “What if it stops employees from doing their job?” While early collaboration solutions had benefits, they also created risks that required managing. The good news is that all these risks and concerns have paved the way for stronger intranets that are not only more secure but also help employees do their jobs better. But before we dive into some of the ways intranets have evolved into secure internal communication platforms, let’s first revisit why security should remain a priority when seeking out a new intranet. Why secure internal communication matters Every organization handles sensitive data, whether it’s employee information, financial records, or strategic plans. Secure internal communication ensures that this information remains confidential and is only accessible to authorized people. Many industries (like healthcare and finance) are also subject to strict regulations regarding data protection and privacy. Secure communication channels help organizations comply with these regulations, avoiding potential legal issues and hefty fines. Finally, data breaches can have catastrophic consequences, including financial losses and damage to reputation. One study revealed that you’re more likely to experience a data breach of at least 10,000 records than you are to catch the flu this winter. With a secure intranet, you can significantly reduce the risk of any breaches. Although you still might catch the flu. What role does security play in an intranet? Our IT Buyers Guide is designed for those that want to ensure their intranet is safe, secure, and compliant. Download now How modern employee intranet software ensures secure internal communication Modern intranets have stepped up to the challenge with top-notch security features that keep your info safe while making it easy for everyone to collaborate. These platforms offer a reliable and secure space where employees can chat, share documents, and work together without worrying about data breaches. Here’s how they achieve this: Centralized communication platform: Intranets give everyone a single place to communicate and work together safely. This way, you don’t have to worry about info leaking through random, unregulated channels. Access control: Security permissions mean you can control what content a user can view, edit, or share. When security marks are assigned to content, users can only access content to the level of their assigned security permissions. Admins can set permissions based on roles, making sure sensitive info is only available to the right people. You can read more about secure intranet permissions here. Encrypted data transmission: Today’s intranets use top-notch encryption to keep data safe while it’s being sent. This means that even if someone intercepts it, they can’t read or misuse it. Authentication and identity managementToday’s intranets should provide comprehensive identity management and authentication options and support native multi-factor authentication along with third-party providers. For example, ThoughtFarmer integrates with all major SAML providers, including Azure AD, G Suite, OneLogin, OKTA, and Ping Identity. This ensures seamless, secure access and up-to-date user information, for better security and efficiency for users. Secure document management: Employee intranet software usually comes with secure document storage, where files are kept in a protected environment. They have audit trails, access controls, as well as version control which ensures that the information is up-to-date, with the ability to track changes and revision. Employee training and awareness: Intranets can host training and resources on cybersecurity best practices. This helps educate employees on why secure communication is important and how to keep it that way. Many of our customers use this a lot through our Required Reading feature where they can track who has read what. Real-time monitoring and alerts: Intranets can have tools that keep an eye on things and alert you to any suspicious activity in real-time, so you can quickly respond to any security threats. Conclusion Adopting new technology isn’t without risk. But fortunately employee intranet software and security have improved a lot over the years. An intranet is now a fantastic way to give everyone a safe, central place to communicate and collaborate. It makes sharing information easy and helps everyone stay connected and productive. Plus, it builds a sense of community within the company, making it a great tool for building a strong, engaged team.