Communication and Collaboration Intranet tip: Four new reasons for your employees to engage with the intranet Looking for fresh content ideas to revitalize your content and boost engagement? Learn about four new things you can include. 1 minute read Table of contents You might also like… Whitepaper Intranet use cases Whitepaper Award-winning intranets It’s no secret that the key to a successful intranet is populating it with content employees want to read. So whether you are looking to revitalize your intranet content or are seeking ways to increase engagement, we have four ideas to help you drive more traffic: Job postings: Posting open positions on your intranet gives those eager to grow within the organization an opportunity to see what’s available. Company success stories: Celebrating company or team wins is a great way to boost morale and performance. Publish them on the intranet so everyone can share in the success. Events: Whether it’s an internal event or something going on in the community, put them in a calendar on your intranet to create some awesome team-building opportunities. Humour section: The intranet doesn’t have to be all business. Create a section where employees can share funny gifs, videos, memes or jokes to give everyone a laugh during downtime.