Intranet Management Case Study: How CM Group used an intranet to unite their employees around the world How can you ensure that everyone is on the same page and united with the same vision after a merger? If you ask the team at CM Group, it’s a universal intranet with the modern tools and integrated functions that makes working together a breeze. 2 minute read Table of contents You might also like… Whitepaper Intranet use cases Whitepaper Award-winning intranets With approximately 900 employees across 4 continents, CM Group needed to migrate from multiple communications systems to a single system that allowed for seamless information sharing, real-time collaboration, and a virtual place for employees to come together. Moreover, according to Megan Fletcher, Senior Director of Internal Communications and Organizational Inclusion, her team wanted to provide consistent and predictable communications, easily accessible at the moment of need. After building a successful business case and getting the green light from senior leadership, Megan and her team began their research on intranet vendors. Starting with 15 possible vendors, the team quickly narrowed the pool to a top 3. CM Group inevitably decided on ThoughtFarmer, highlighting “ThoughtFarmer’s roadmap was aligned with services we hoped to add in the future, like mobile, and we loved the people we met along the way,” said Megan. While features and functionality are critical when evaluating technology, there is an absolute necessity to be able to build relationships and collaborate closely with the vendor team. “By far, ThoughtFarmer had the best team of all the vendors we talked to,” said Megan. “As we were introduced to more and more people at ThoughtFarmer, they continued to exceed our expectations and deliver results.” Read the full case study on CM Group, which has rebranded to Marigold.