Since you’ve made your way to this page, we’re going to make a few assumptions:
If you found yourself nodding in agreement with any or all of those assumptions, you’re in good company. Internal communications expert Ephraim Freed agrees that among the few mission-critical components of a successful intranet, the most mission-critical is a solid search functionality.
Why search is so critical to intranet success, and the features you’ll need to get the most out of search
Content management practices that will help to improve and optimize intranet search
A common-sense findability audit for assessing and improving intranet content
“I have used other platforms before, but ThoughtFarmer’s is not ony the easiest one to use, but also the most professional and functional.”
“Refreshing vendor experience with ThoughtFarmer that catapulted our Intranet to the next level.”
“We have field staff that are not in the office, but they can access the Hub anytime on their mobile phones and tablets with the app. ”
“The FormFlow feature allows us to create surveys and forms that have a workflow built in with notifications so these requests / responses do not get missed.”